� Cool

Okay, I can admit it.

Ambushing the Kents, luring them to my home under false pretenses, and then royally pissing off Mr. Kent?

Not the greatest idea I've ever had.

I'd say it must have been something in the water, except I have my water imported from California.

My first clue should have been when I showed up to extend the invitation, and Mrs. Kent almost sawed me in half. Accident, or hand of God? I should have assumed the latter. But instead, I went ahead with the plan and invited her to my "gathering" of local community families.

I meant well. Really.

After I started down the road to completely alienating the Kents, as opposed to just bothering them, I went to get some coffee and ran into Lana. The quarterback showed up to break a date with her, and I just happened to overhear. Clark showed up not long after.

Convenient, that.

I gave him tickets to a concert, and, I admit it, goaded him into inviting her out with him. But, honestly, it's not as if Clark's getting anywhere on his own. And I do still owe him.

That must be the reason for my bad idea. Trying to pay back Clark.

It's as good a reason as any, I suppose.

The Kents showed up at my house as promised, and I have to say, Jonathan Kent was fairly decent about the false pretenses part of the evening. It's not as if he would've come if I'd said 'hey, can I give you some money?'.

Have I mentioned lately how little I understand the people of this town?

Things turned south, however, fairly quickly. Ironically, things were still quite pleasant when the lights dimmed, then resumed. I go to invite the Kents to my home, and I nearly get sawed in half. I'm about to discuss the details of my proposal with them, and the lights go out.
Coincidence, or hand of God? Again, I assumed the former.

Another mistake.

Still, the tone of the conversation was at least reasonable, until Lana came running into my home, apparently being chased by some madman. Clark claims to be capable of squeezing through the bars, Lana just shows up... I guess contortionism is another Smallville trait I'm unfamiliar with. Either that, or it's time to get some new security installed.

Anyway, myself and the Kents spread out to search for the mysterious man. I'm not certain what they found, as I didn't get a chance to really speak with them about it before they were ushering Clark home. Yes, Clark was on the property, as well.

Mental note: find a new security system.

X-File note: The lake on the side of the mansion? Frozen over. Near death by saws and electricity problems, those I can dismiss. The lake being frozen over? That's a bit worrisome.

Jonathan Kent decided that the bank was more trustworthy than a Luthor, which, after the frozen lake sighting, really wasn't too surprising. It was, however, disappointing. Not only did I not heroically save the farm from the brink of bankruptcy, but Clark's date with Lana was spoiled by the madman chasing them around my property.

All in all, it's been a really shitty week.


Melody and Erana
All site graphics by Candy
All characters and plot are � their creators.