� Visage

I've known Helen for less than a month. But I trust her, enough to bare my soul to her. I just wish I could be certain it was from instinct, and not the desire for connection. For contact.

For a love I'm not sure I could ever really feel.

I told Clark once that some people were meant to be alone, and I meant me. I'm afraid that what I said to Helen tonight came not from the heart, but from fear. The fear that I'd been right.

I've been having my father followed, and a few days ago I received pictures of him with Helen. They looked to be in the midst of a rather intense conversation. I immediately began a background check on Ms. Bryce and discovered that one hundred thousand dollars had recently been deposited into her account.

When she came over for dinner, I confronted her. She turned hostile and stormed out without offering me any kind of explanation.

Clark pointed out to me over a game of pool that some people don't take being investigated too well.

I tracked her down at the Talon after she ignored several messages from me, and she told me that my father had approached her. Not to spy on me, but to break up with me. She said she told him no, and that he gave her the money anyway. Probably so that I would find it, and end the relationship myself.

Far be it for my father to allow me some happiness.

Helen said she was glad that it happened, that it let her know I wasn't who she thought I was.

I never pretended to be anyone but myself.

She left, and I couldn't just let it go. Instead I went to the hospital and all but begged her to give me a second chance. She eventually agreed.

I just wish I could be sure I wanted one for the right reasons.


Melody and Erana
All site graphics by Candy
All characters and plot are � their creators.