� Ryan

The start of the week began with an interesting chess game being played by the Mayor and myself.

It ended with the death of a friend.

The last time Ryan and I crossed paths, I remember he had an extreme dislike for me. His previous visit ended in me being thrown out of my own limo. I found out later from Clark that Ryan's step father was arrested for that and several other incidents.

The last thing I expected was how much I would grow to love Ryan.

Clark arrived at the mansion with Ryan, asking for my help. Clark explained to me that Ryan was being held against his will at some research facility, and Clark broke him out. When Clark realized the situation he created, he came to me for help and advice, which I was more than happy to offer.

Clark and I questioned Ryan about how he came to be in a place like that. He had become sick, he said, and a doctor by the name of Gardner offered to pay for all medical expenses in return for legal guardianship. Ryan's aunt could no longer afford to take care of him, so she accepted the doctors offer. When I asked Ryan what exactly he was being treated for, Clark spoke for him.

And lied to me.

I'm becoming an expert at knowing when Clark lies. I understand now why he did. Just once, I'd like for Clark to trust me as much as I trust him.

I took him out into the hall and confronted him on the lie. I knew there had to be more to the story, you don't break someone out of a hospital if he's only there for observation. He elaborated slightly, but still held back. At least he finally admitted he didn't think this through.

A thought occurred to me, one which I asked Clark about. How did he get Ryan out of there? From what Clark had told me, the research facility refused to admit Ryan was even there. The amount of security must have been difficult to get through for such a top-secret patient.

He claimed he was lucky. When have I heard that before? Every time I ask Clark to explain how he does things. You'd think I'd be used to it by now.

When I returned to the study after Clark had left, Ryan was asleep on the couch. I covered him up and began making some phone calls.

I called my lawyers in Metropolis. I called my sources to do some digging into Doctor Gardner and his research facility. About a half hour after he left, Clark called me in a panic. Dr. Gardner had been to the Kent farm demanding the return of Ryan.

More phone calls to be made. I called a judge who owed me a favor. I called Mrs. Ross about the temporary custody order being drawn up for the Kents. I would need her as a second signature on the custody order. When I explained to her what had happened to Ryan, she was more than willing to sign, even if it was five in the morning. I also called the district attorney and informed them about the illegal research practices of Gardners facility.

When Clark showed up to pick up Ryan the following morning, I assured him everything would be all right. I don't think he believed me, but when I later arrived at the Kent farm, I could tell he was relieved. And when I informed the good doctor that any move he made towards Ryan or the Kents would result in a full investigation of his facility, the look on the doctors face was priceless. As was the smug look from Clark.

My actions even warranted a handshake and a thank you from Mr. Kent.

Later that day, Mrs. Kent brought Ryan to the mansion while she attended to some work for my father. I took this opportunity to get to know Ryan a little more. I remembered from our last visit that he enjoyed Warrior Angel comics. He asked to see it, which surprised me. Last time he was in town and I offered him a view, he didn't seem interested.

Maybe helping someone softens their opinion of you.

We talked about our passion for the comic, how my escape into the fiction of super hero's helped me deal with my mothers death. Actually Ryan brought that up, claiming Clark told him. I remember from his last visit, Ryan had an odd way of knowing things that he couldn't possibly know. I quoted my father in something I told Ryan, and he knew. Just like he knew I was lying that day in the limo.

I was about to question Ryan on to how he seems to know things he shouldn't when he cried out in pain and collapsed on the floor. I immediately called out to Mrs. Kent and rushed him to the hospital. When Clark arrived at the hospital, I told him I was returning to the mansion and he should meet me there later.

My research into Ryan's condition, as revealed by Doctor Gardners files, proved my original suspicion that Ryan can read minds. When I told Clark about it four hours later, he accused me of wanting to exploit Ryan. That was the last thing I wanted to do. Honestly, I felt as if I should warn Clark, because I am all too aware of the many secrets he's kept from me. I wanted to protect him.

He backed off and apologized after I told him about Doctor Burton, a specialist I found that could help Ryan, the only catch is that Dr. Burton was leaving the country today for six weeks. Clark said he was going to do whatever he could to reach the doctor.

He was in such a rush to leave that I realized now was the time to open up to Clark, to let him know that I understood what he was going through. When my mother died, I was too busy researching her condition and finding all the specialists I could. In doing so, I lost a lot of time I could've been spending with her. I wasn't there when she died. I didn't want Clark to make the same mistake I'd made.

He didn't listen.

While Clark was out trying to save Ryan, I decided to do the one thing I could do. Spend time with Ryan. I brought him a few rare Warrior Angel comics that I'm sure he hadn't read yet. We talked about the plot behind the rare issue.

How the villain, Devilicus, turned against the hero, Warrior Angel. They used to be best friends until Devilicus suggested they join forces and conquer humanity together. When Warrior Angel refused, claiming that it was his duty to protect those weaker than him, Devilicus grew angry and vowed to destroy Warrior Angel and everything he stood for. When Ryan asked me why I thought Devilicus went bad, I was honest with him, and told him I wasn't exactly sure. That Devilicus probably wasn't even aware of it when it happened.

I tried to explain to Ryan that the road to darkness is a journey. It doesn't just happen overnight.

He told me I should remember that.

I don't know how Clark did it, but Dr. Burton landed in Smallville a few hours later. After seeing Ryan's brain scans, he halted his trip and immediately came to operate on Ryan. The operation wasn't a complete failure, it had given Ryan a few more days to live.

When Clark called me and asked me if I could set up a balloon ride for him and Ryan, I did so immediately. I understood the symbolism behind it. Warrior Angel had something similar, a flying fortress. It was his escape to get away from his troubles on Earth. It was the least I could do, for both of them.

The day Ryan died, Clark came by the mansion to drop off the Warrior Angel comics I had lent to Ryan. He opened his mouth to say something, but the tears came instantly. He sat on the couch, buried his face in his hands, and cried.

I did too.


Melody and Erana
All site graphics by Candy
All characters and plot are � their creators.