� Insurgence

My father has beaten me. A costly one hundred and fifty million dollar contract gone to shit, and I'm pissed. How the fuck did this happen?

I'll tell you. My father has the mansion bugged. State of the art equipment. He's been spying on me, probably since the rebuild after the twisters. I don't know if I'm mad at him for doing it, or mad at myself for not thinking of it first.

I tore the mansion apart today. Inch by inch, I broke everything breakable, ripped into anything possible. I think the condition of the mansion scared Clark when he came in. But when I explained to him my father now knew all of my secrets, Clark offered to help me find every last listening device and camera. When he suggested my stereo may be bugged too, I didn't second guess him. I destroyed the fucking thing.

When I called my father to confront him on my recent bug problem, he made comment to how lax my security was, and told me to call an exterminator. Never once admitting he was behind it. How fucking typical.

I decided to get even.

Which didn't turn out so well. Clark stopped by to ask me what the best restaurant in Metropolis was. When I asked him why, he told me it was his parents anniversary. They were going to celebrate with a picnic, but his mother was in Metropolis with my father at the office.

The team I hired to bug my fathers office were due there any minute.

I called the restaurant and secured a reservation. I arranged for a helicopter to pick up Mr. Kent at the farm. Then I called my team and told them to abort. Revenge would have to wait.

I went to the farm with Clark and the helicopter. Mr. Kent was less than happy to see me, as usual. In light of recent events, I couldn't hold back for Clarks sake any more. When Mr. Kent decided to attack me verbally, I fought back. I told him I was finished dealing with his fucking attitude, in a much less direct way though, don't worry. Mr. Kent can be as heated as he wants. I will always keep my cool.

On the way back to the mansion, I received word that LuthorCorp was taken over, and that my father and Mrs. Kent were being held hostage. Could things get any worse? I put a phone call into the team to ask them what the hell was going on. Whoever answered the phone wasn't who I had been dealing with. This was turning into a full scale nightmare.

Mr. Kent paid me a visit, I'm sure only because Clark must have suggested it. He was extremely humble, dangerously close to the point of ass kissing. I saved myself and him the embarrassment and offered him a ride to Metropolis, which I knew was the only real reason he'd come by.

We arrived by helicopter a half hour later. The entire building was surrounded by police and the swat team, and of course the always present media.

Clark was there.

I don't know how he got there before we did. If he knew of a faster transportation than my helicopter, why didn't he take his own father? Questions to be asked later.

I asked for an update on negotiations. While being briefed, the kidnappers called the police demanding to know where their transportation was. They also came to the window, showing Mrs. Kent at gunpoint and threatening to kill her within ten minutes if they didn't get what they wanted. This was out of control. I turned to say something of comfort to Clark, but he was nowhere to be found.

I put in another call to the team. I tried to reason with them. I begged him not to hurt anyone, but he was beyond upset. Apparently the vault they had hoped contained cash held nothing but meteor rocks, files, and a disk.

An octagonal disk.

Son a bitch. My father had it this whole time.

I told the kidnapper to pack up everything. The files, the disk, everything. I would secure him and the team a safe way out of the building, as I knew my father had a private elevator. But only if he let the hostages go, and would hand over everything they found.

A window was blown out in the building. I called them back to ask them what the hell was going on. He then demanded a million dollars on top of a way out. I gave him instructions on how to get out of the building, to which he decided to bring my father in on the phone call. My father now offered them two million to keep the contents of the vault and still allow them to escape.

My father fucking wins again.

To top it all off, Mr. Kent overheard the phone call. He made some idle threat, said that if he found out I had anything to do with what was going on, I would regret the day I stepped foot into Smallville.

I already do.

A few minutes later, the police came down with Mrs. Kent, my father, and Clark. I went over to Clark, asked him how he got inside. To which my father replied, "he's resourceful, it doesn't matter how he did it, he saved us." My father then put his hand on Clarks shoulder, a very proud look on his face.

I reached out to my father. He pushed me away. Made mention of moving out of the mansion.

The police informed me that all files were destroyed by a fire that had started in the office. The octagonal disk was nowhere to be found. The vault did indeed contain nothing but meteor rocks.

And then, once again, I witnessed the loving connection between the Kents, as I stood alone.


Melody and Erana
All site graphics by Candy
All characters and plot are � their creators.