� Fever

For once, a relatively quiet week.

Helen and I have been getting along well. Although it's unclear to me at this time my feelings for her, I know I enjoy her company. I went to visit her at work, which ended up causing me some concern.

First, I saw Mr. Kent at the hospital. He didn't notice me when I walked by him, but I did notice Mrs. Kent in the room he was peering into. I didn't disturb him, instead I asked Helen what was going on. She didn't offer any information, she simply said 'we're doing everything we can.'

My second concern involved a letter I noticed on Helen's desk. It was from Johns Hopkins, an offer for a three year research fellowship. She asked me what I thought. I think she was really asking me if I wanted her to stay.

Truth is, I don't think I really care either way.

The DCA arrived, saying they were there because of Mrs. Kent. I excused myself so Helen could get back to work, and immediately made a few phone calls. I had to know what was wrong with Mrs. Kent, and why it called for the DCA's involvement.

I attended to a few business matters and then stopped by the Kent farm. I had called the high school to see if Clark was at school, and they said his father called him out due to a family emergency. I was surprised he wasn't at the hospital with Mr. Kent, and when I knocked on the door at the farm there was no answer. I thought I heard someone coughing inside, but the door was locked and the curtains were closed. So I decided to try Helen again.

She didn't budge, even when I explained to her that the Kents were like family to me, more than my own. She seemed frustrated over Mrs. Kents case. I know Helen is an excellent doctor, whatever was wrong with Mrs. Kent had to be serious.

Which is why her phone call the next day shocked me. She called to let me know that Mrs. Kent was all right and would be going home. She didn't look well to me when I saw her, and Helen didn't take my dinner invitation because she wanted to be at the hospital in case anything happened. I called Doctor Trenton, who owed me a favor, and had him get me Mrs. Kents file.

Miracle recovery. No explanations. She was pronounced dead during the night, and suddenly came back to life. And she was pregnant. Both mother and child are in perfect health now, no trace of whatever bacterial virus had killed her.

I went to see Helen to congratulate her on a job well done. Clark gave me almost no information when I saw him in the hallway, he simply said his mother was going to be fine, and that's all he cared about.

Helen didn't have any explanations either. Even if she had the answers, I know she wouldn't share them with me. But I felt like she knew more, I felt like she was hiding something.

To find out what, I offered her the key to the mansion. The only way to know what she knows is to keep her around.

For now.


Melody and Erana
All site graphics by Candy
All characters and plot are � their creators.